The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto

The exhibition is open on 1st and 6th to 9th of October 2017 at the Gallery Sonen-an in Kyoto. The exhibition is a collaboration between TypoCraftHelsinki, Gallery Factory from Soul and UMMM Factory from Kyoto. We all love typography ♥

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


Gallery Sonen-an

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


Poster of the KyoToDay exhibition

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Seris, Sans, Slab’/Inka Bell

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Pause’/Joosung Kang and Hyunsong Lee

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Pebble Sans’/Ilona Ilottu

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Conpenporary dance’/UMMM

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘TypoRug’/Tuija Tarkiainen and ‘Life Typography’/Eiji Marui

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Reading Method’/Yusuke Mimasu

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


Ceramic Letter ‘Ö’/Laura Villi

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


Workshop ‘Letterpress Printing Today’/Eiji Marui

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Leaf Today’/Kyotoday team

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘VVS2017’/Yosuke Sakai

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


Cutting board/RohwaJeong

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Still Life’/RohwaJeong

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Helsinki Typo’/Ilkka Kärkkäinen

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Collage Tiles’/‘4-6 pc’/Eeva Sivula, ‘F’ necklace/Fru, ‘A4 Marble Plate’/Tony Eräpuro

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


Print/Teppei Kaneuji

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


‘Round Font Tools’/Jongbuhm Kim

The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto



The KyoToDay exhibition in Kyoto


Iron stand of the logo/Sakishiraz

Photos by Joosung Kang and Laura Villi

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